Med-Free Pharm.D’s Guide to: Restoring Your Gut

by Dr. Kristen Fincham

This 12 week online course will teach you the secrets to restoring your gut. By restoring your gut you will decrease or even eliminate painful GI symptoms, improve digestion and nutrient absorption, improve immune function, improve mood, lessen anxiety, improve skin health, and much more!

Suffering from constant stomach pain and GI symptoms?

Diagnosed with Crohn’s, UC, or IBS?

Enhance your overall wellness while healing your symptoms!

Taking expensive medications that just cover up the problem and barely improve your symptoms?

No more debilitating pain! No more running to the bathroom!

Ideal for:

  • Anyone wishing to improve their health

  • Those with distressing GI symptoms (bloating, diarrhea, urgency, heart burn, constipation, etc.)

  • Crohn’s, UC, and IBS patients

  • Those wishing to resolve their GI issues rather than covering them up with medications

My 12 week course will teach you the secrets to:

  • Feeling your best

  • Decreasing your symptoms

  • Increasing your energy and mood

  • Unlocking your health

  • Decreasing stress and anxiety

About This Course

What’s Included:

  • Access to the course: Med-Free Pharm.D’s Guide to Restoring Your Gut

  • A copy of Med-Free Pharm.D’s Food and Symptoms Journal

  • Monthly calendars to follow along

  • Downloadable resources throughout the course

Price: $225

This course will lead you through nutritional and lifestyle changes that will free you of painful, irritating symptoms. The course is broken into three sections: Restore, Rebuild, Revitalize. Each section is broken down into small, easy to follow Pillars to help keep you on track. This course is designed as a 12 week course. All lessons include written material, a schedule to keep on track, and some lessons include videos with additional information.

  • Restore: Sleep and Diet Pillars

  • Rebuild: Supplement Pillar

  • Revitalize: Stress Management and Movement Pillars

Having a balanced gut is crucial for overall health and well-being. A balanced gut can improve multiple avenues of health. Firstly, a balanced gut helps enhance digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring that our bodies receive the essential vitamins, minerals, and energy we need to function optimally. Additionally, a diverse and well-balanced gut microbiome supports a robust immune system, aiding in the defense against infections and diseases. Moreover, studies have linked a healthy gut to improved mental health, as the microbiota in our gut can influence the production of neurotransmitters that regulate mood and reduce anxiety. Furthermore, a balanced gut plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy weight, as it can affect metabolism and satiety hormones, thereby reducing the risk of obesity. Lastly, a well-functioning gut contributes to healthier skin, as imbalances in the microbiome have been associated with skin conditions like acne and eczema. Taking the steps outlined in this course can bring forth these numerous benefits and promote optimal health


  • This course was the perfect solution for my health. I had undergone may changes to improve my gut, but still had weekly symptoms. This guide was the final key in resolving my pain and urgency! I can finally leave my house without fear!


  • This course changed my life. It not only improved my stomach pain, but I have clear skin and the most energy I've ever had!

    U. J.

  • I'm so happy I finally decided to purchase and follow Kristen's advice. I feel better than I ever have!
