1:1 Coaching

Do you experience frequent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal cramps, or other painful digestive symptoms?

Are you putting your life on hold because you’re in fear of a digestive flare up with no bathroom in sight?

Do you have to cancel events because you’re in the fetal position from digestive pain?

Let me help you feel your best! Have a few questions? Don’t know where to start? Need advice from a qualified health care provider? I can help.

Your doctor or pharmacist doesn’t have an hour to spend with you. But, I do! And I can’t wait to meet you!

Maybe you feel pretty good, but you’re searching for that last puzzle piece to finally resolve your symptoms and feel amazing.

If you are suffering from general digestive issues, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, or Ulcerative Colitis you are not alone. Millions of people live with painful symptoms and think they either have to suffer or spend thousands of dollars on expensive medications. There is a way to get your life back and I will show you how.

Coaching is just about you!

  • Personalized

    Ask your questions. Get advice. Figure out your next steps or even where to start.

  • Targeted

    This addresses your specific problems. My plan is tailored to you, your medications, your lifestyle, your timeline, and your goals.

  • Integrative

    Achieving wellness involves my Five Pillars of Health: sleep, diet, supplements, stress management, and exercise. We will find ways to incorporate these pillars into your life in a way that works for you.

Personalized care from a qualified healthcare provider.

Become your healthiest self!

My Approach

After working in healthcare for the last ten years, I’ve found the majority of Americans are overmedicated. They take pills to cover up their symptoms and never actually heal their body. As they get older, more and more medications are added each year. Many of these medications are added to deal with side effects of their other medications. Over 20% of older adults take ten or more prescription drugs.

Medication use today is triple the rate it was 20 years ago without improving quality of life. Our current healthcare system isn’t healing disease and helping people live healthier, happier, longer lives. It’s helping sick people stay sick and maybe extending their life by a few disease filled years.

My approach to wellness is different. I help my clients uncover their healthiest selves in a way that works for them. I combine extensive medical knowledge with my Five Pillars of Health: Sleep, Diet, Supplements, Stress Management, and Exercise. I look at clients’ medical records and medication lists and identify problems, areas of focus, and a plan for their wellness journey. My goal is not to eliminate all medications. Many have their place. My goal is to find a balance between healing the body and using medications only where necessary.

I offer two tiers of membership. See below.

How Does it Work?

  • Fill out the application below to ensure we are a good fit for one another. I require an application to ensure you are ready to make changes to improve your life. And to ensure I have the appropriate availability to dedicate to you and your needs. I work very closely with my private clients, so I only take on a few at a time.

  • Once approved you will receive an email from me with a quote and an option to choose one of my 2 membership packages (shown below). We will have an introductory phone call before you make any decisions to ensure this is the right fit for you.

  • Meet with me and and our journey together begins.

What is Included?

  • Initial consult where we discuss your pain points in depth, what you have tried in the past, your medical history, medication, supplements, and your goals

  • Food Journal: I will ask you to keep a food journal to give me insight into your relationship with food.

  • 90 Day Detailed Plan to Reach Your Goals: After I understand your pain points, your goals and your current diet, I will create a customized 90 day plan for you. The plan includes

    • Evaluation of your medication and supplements, how these are affecting your pain points, and how we can adjust them if needed

    • Personalized supplement plan (if needed)

    • Personalized microbiome building plan

    • Personalized meal plan if necessary

    • Any other steps I see fit. As everyone is different, the plan will look different for each person.

    • A login to my membership app that includes your 90 day schedule, daily reminders of tasks, your meal plan, my library of resources

    • A schedule with daily reminders to keep you on track

  • Direct messaging to me

  • Weekly calls to discuss progress, changes, and road blocks

  • The coaching takes place through my private coaching website that provides a platform for your personal written plan, food journal, resources, daily/weekly/monthly reminders and tracking, and direct messaging to me!

  • I only take on a few personal clients at a time to ensure I have the time and energy to meet their needs.

  • If you would like to see an example of what I provide, enter your information below and I will send you a snapshot of what you will receive as a patient. Remember, every patient is different and every plan is individualized. This is just a preview of what this patient received.

Is this right for you?

  • Are you ready to improve your symptoms and leave the house without fear of a flare up?

  • Have you tried other solutions in the past that left you with little improvement and lost hope that you could get better?

  • Are you ready to improve your overall health and leave your digestive pain in the past?

  • Are you willing to make changes?

  • Are you willing to work?

  • Are you willing to put in effort to finally live your life pain free?

  • Are you ready to have support along the way from someone who suffered for over 10 years, but now lives their life pain free eating the foods they love?

If you answered yes to the questions above then this is right for you!

Membership Plans


The essential package is for those that just want the plan, but no additional support.

Initial consult where we discuss in depth your pain points, what you have tried in the past, your medical history, medication, supplements, and your goals

  • Food Journal: I will ask you to keep a food journal to give me insight into your relationship with food.

  • 90 Day Detailed Plan to Reach Your Goals: After I understand your pain points, your goals and your current diet, I will create a customized 90 day plan for you. The plan includes

    • Evaluation of your medication and supplements, how these are affecting your pain points, and how we can adjust them if needed

    • Personalized supplement plan (if needed)

    • Personalized microbiome building plan

    • Personalized meal plan if necessary

    • Any other steps I see fit. As everyone is different, the plan will look different for each person.


The premier plan is for people who want it all! The plan, the schedule, the website, the resources, and me! We can make changes as we go. We can reevaluate if your health situation changes. We can speed things up or slow things down to find a speed that works for you!

Initial consult where we discuss in depth your pain points, what you have tried in the past, your medical history, medication, supplements, and your goals

  • Food Journal: I will ask you to keep a food journal to give me insight into your relationship with food.

  • 90 Day Detailed Plan to Reach Your Goals: After I understand your pain points, your goals and your current diet, I will create a customized 90 day plan for you. The plan includes

    • Evaluation of your medication and supplements, how these are affecting your pain points, and how we can adjust them if needed

    • Personalized supplement plan (if needed)

    • Personalized microbiome building plan

    • Personalized meal plan if necessary

    • Any other steps I see fit. As everyone is different, the plan will look different for each person.

    • A login to my membership app that includes your 90 day schedule, daily reminders of tasks, your meal plan, my library of resources

    • A schedule with daily reminders to keep you on track

  • Direct messaging to me

  • Weekly calls to discuss progress, changes, and road blocks

  • Reevaluations when necessary if health, circumstances or goals change

Coaching Application

Fill out this application and I will get back to you. If you are a good fit, I will respond with an outline of my initial plan for you as well as your membership options (Essential, Premier) tailored specifically to you. I can’t wait to meet you!

  • With Kristen's help I overcame obstacles I struggled with my whole life. I even lessened my medication burden and feel amazing!


  • I highly recommend Kristen. Working with her changed my life.


  • Money well spent. Personalized just for me. Kristen listened and took the time to understand what my problems are.


  • My doctor spends less than 5 minutes with me. Having personalized attention from Kristen in our weekly sessions made all the difference in my health.
